A few weeks ago, Field Commanderette learned how to raise herself to a standing position.


She claps for herself.


Except that in her young mind clapping looks a lot like the sign we use for ‘pooping’.


e stands i from Svea Vikander on Vimeo.

Finger-to-palm, folks…

Just like ‘more’ looks a bit like a small bird flapping its wings.


Her brother is also hard at work building a kids-sized house. He has a new idol: Larry Haun.

They are in close communication (thought Tiyo persists in calling him “Mary Haun” – and the videos become increasingly absurd, so don’t skip the second one).

Mary Haun I from Svea Vikander on Vimeo.


Mary Haun II from Svea Vikander on Vimeo.